Typology: Retail
Usage: Showroom
Location: Nisantasi,İstanbul
Brand/Client: Cekette
Involvement: Concept Design, Construction
Status: Completed, August 2022



Parabolik form, dolaşımı yöneten ve sınırlarını anlayamadığımız bir boşluğu tanımlamaktadır.

Dolaşımın kompozisyonu üzerine kurgulanan kavis yönü mekanı merkezden dışa doğru dinamikleştirir ve amorf bir iç mekan algısı yaratır. Tavandan zemine çelik halatlar ile salınan kesintili paslanmaz çelik şeritler, etrafımızdaki boşluk duygusunun kaybolmasına ve serginin odak olarak tanımlanması üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Düşey düzlemde tavana ve zemine sabitlenmiş halatlar göz hizasından tavana dikkat çekerek tavan kabartmalarını izletir. Farklı yüksekliklere asılmış miller ışık yönünü kesintiye uğratmadan alçalırken, farklı ölçülerdeki tekstil ürünlerinin kategorizasyonunu sağlar.



In collaboration with Cekette, we explore design as social practice. We re-imagined the way we use left over materials and second-hand furnitures while designing Cekette’s showroom.

By repurposing leftovers denim fabrics from Cekette’s fabrication and waste metals from Around manufactures, the iconic Thonet Cesca chairs that Cekette has been using for years, transform into unique pieces with living traces.

Marcel Breuer’s best-known piece is the cantilever chair "Cesca", today manufactured by Thonet under the name "S 32”. Thonet's revolutionary use of tubular steel is crafted with bent wood and characteristic Viennese wickerwork.We reinterpreted the wicker pieces, which have been out of use after years, with patchwork denim fabric and perforated metal. While the CNC cut metal pattern is reminiscent of wicker, the denim fabric coating adds a soft touch, creating a lively trace that represents tradition and the future together.

As designers from different industries we wanted to highlight a problem that needs to be addressed by considering our consumption habits. Improving the patch-working and perforating technique, we aim to re-thinking our own materials based on the local resources, to change perceptions of waste and materials. The aim of collection is to keep improving the way we produce materials or building systems but if we don't change the way we consume those materials, we won't achieve sustainability in the construction world.

Material: Solid Wood, Tubular steel with  White Denim, Denim Patchwork and stainless steel mesh alternatives.

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